Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Two bilateral collaborations are running since 2009 with Orange Labs, and another one since 2008. These collaborations include the supervision of Ph.D. students into a common research program (heterogeneity in wireless sensor networks, resiliency and security of routing protocols, quality of service support of WSN). These three collaborations ended in 2012.

  • Two short-term bilateral collaborations, also with Orange Labs, were pursued in 2012: a 4 months project in quality of service in WSN (joint supervision of a master student), and a 2 months project on the SensORLab testbed, deployed in Orange Labs (Meylan).

  • A new bilateral collaboration with Orange started in November 2012. This CRE includes the supervision of a CIFRE thesis about multi-topology routing protocol and service level agreement for wireless sensor networks.

  • One short-term bilateral collaborations with Thalès was done during 4 months, as a preliminary research project for a Ph.D. student. Unfortunately, no candidate with solid/strong background applied for this position yet. This project should start in 2013.